Custom Image Templates part 4

Create Custom Image Templates using DevOps Pipelines

Hello there, welcome back! As i mentioned in the previous posts we created Image Templates using different methods. But how cool would it be to do it all automated using Azure DevOps in combination with DevOps Pipelines I want to give you a little overview what is possible using this technique.

Azure DevOps Pipelines is a cloud-based Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) service that automates the process of building, testing, and deploying code. It enables development teams to streamline their workflows, ensure code quality, and deploy applications efficiently across multiple platforms.

Some explanation about the service connections

We will first create an connection to the DevOps environment and yes, I assume you are already having an DevOps organization. If you don't have one you can easily create this, you can find this information on the Microsoft website and the follow up step, how to create a new project. When you have set-up these resources you can configure your service connection to your Azure Subscription. You can do this multiple ways with some different pro's and cons for each.

  • Workload Identity
  • Service Principal
  • Managed Identity

I will not name them all, but here is some explanation:

  • Workload Identity:

Workload Identity is a secure and seamless way to enable applications, services, or workloads to authenticate and access Azure resources using EntraID without requiring credentials like passwords or secrets.

Instead of managing credentials manually, Workload Identity leverages Managed Identities or other federated identities assigned to the underlying infrastructure. This eliminates the need to store sensitive credentials, enhancing security and reducing operational overhead.

  • Service Principal

A Service Principal is an identity created in EntraID that is used by applications, automation tools, or services to access Azure resources. It acts as a "service account" for your application or service, enabling secure and programmatic access to Azure.

  • Managed Identity

Managed Identity is a feature of Azure that provides an automatically managed identity for applications and services running on Azure. This identity can be used to securely authenticate and authorize access to Azure resources without the need for managing credentials manually. Using a managed identity allows Azure pipelines to authenticate and access Azure resources on behalf of the pipeline without using a service principal or secrets.

Create the Service Principal trough the portal

In this case we are gonna use an Service Principal because it's for demo purposes.

When you want to create a service connection, you can create the service principal automatic trough the portal, but i will also show you how to do this using the command line.

First i will give you some directions to do it trough the portal:

  • Go to your created project and click on "project settings".
  • On the left click on "service connections" and click on "new service connections"
  • Select Azure Resource Manager en click on "next":
  • Choose the automatic Service Principal and click on next, fill in the information and the connection is created.
  • When the Service Principal is created, you need to give the Service Principal access to the Resource Group or Subscription the minimum is Contributor, but i prefer in this demo to set Owner rights, create custom RBAC roles when you want more control.

Create the Service Principal trough the Command Line

These are the steps how you can create this, using the command line:

  • First login using az login
  • Set the subscription use az account set --subscription ""
  • Run the command az ad sp create-for-rbac --name imagePipeline --role owner --scopes /subscriptions/yoursubscription
  • Save the output but delete this afterwards because of sensitive data!!
  • Go to the "new service connection" in the DevOps environment and choose "service principal manual" and use the information you have got from the output in the commandline.

Because we have given Service Principal Owner access to the subscription using the --scopes in the commandline you don't have to do anything in the portal anymore.

What's next?

We have now set the base for running some pipelines let's make a begin and start to create a yaml file, for some examples you can check my repository.

My goal is to deploy an Virtual Machine based on the Image Templates infrastructure with Bicep executed by a pipeline, let's start.

You can find the whole yaml file in my repository.

  • First we need to have some validation inputs, i will begin with the variables and parameters explanation below this code section.
 1name: Deploy infrastructure install image deploy machine
 3  branches:
 4    include:
 5      - main
 8  - group: "Credentials" 
11  - name: deploymentType
12    displayName: "Select the deployment type"
13    type: string
14    default: "sub"
15    values:
16      - tenant
17      - mg
18      - sub
19      - group
21  - name: subscriptionId
22    displayName: "Azure Subscription"
23    type: string
24    default: 
26  - name: productType
27    displayName: "Select the product type"
28    type: string
29    default: "avd"
30    values:
31      - avd
33  - name: environmentType
34    displayName: "Select the environment"
35    type: string
36    values:
37      - prod
38      - acc
39      - dev
40      - test
42  - name: location
43    displayName: "Select the location"
44    type: string
45    default: "westeurope"
46    values:
47      - westeurope
48      - northeurope
50  - name: vnetAddressPrefix
51    displayName: "Fill in the vnet address prefix"
52    type: string
54  - name: avdSubnetPrefix
55    displayName: "Fill in the subnet address prefix"
56    type: string
58  - name: imageVersion
59    displayName: "Select base image"
60    type: string
61    values:
62      - win11-24h2-avd-m365
63      - 2022-datacenter-azure-edition
66  - name: offerName
67    displayName: "Select base image"
68    type: string
69    values:
70      - office-365
71      - WindowsServer
73  - name: publisherName
74    displayName: "Select base image"
75    type: string
76    values:
77      - MicrosoftWindowsDesktop
78      - MicrosoftWindowsServer
80  - name: vmCount
81    displayName: "Number of VMs to Create"
82    type: string
83    default: 1
85  - name: avdSize
86    displayName: "Size of the AVD VM"
87    type: string
88    default: "Standard_D2s_v3"
  • The variable group Credentials is an group with information such as an username, password tenantID as shown in the example below, we can use this information for parsing in sensitive information in the pipeline.

As you can see you can store you information from the Service Principal which you can use to login and use the pipeline.

  • The input paremeters can be used to make the code more reusable so it can be deployed in multiple environments.

  • The first stage will install some necessary system packages and do a first validation check.

 2  - stage: ValidateInputs
 3    displayName: "Validate Inputs"
 4    jobs:
 5      - job: validate_inputs
 6        displayName: "Validate Deployment Inputs"
 7        pool:
 8          vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"
 9        steps:
10          - task: Bash@3
11            displayName: Install System Packages
12            inputs:
13              targetType: "inline"
14              script: |
15                sudo apt update
16                sudo apt install -y uuid-runtime
18          - task: Bash@3
19            displayName: Configure Globalization Setting
20            inputs:
21              targetType: "inline"
22              script: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=DOTNET_SYSTEM_GLOBALIZATION_INVARIANT]true"

  • The second stage is to install, update modules and login in to the environment, using the Credentials information, at the end it will deploy the infrastructure.

In this bit of code you will see the command we are using to connect to the environment az login --service-principal --username $(AVDPipelines) --password $(Secret) --tenant $(tenantId) you can see you that we are calling the credentials group as shown in a early stage, if you have named them in the libary differently, you will need to use the same names to connect.

Because we don not have a bicepparam file we are generating the file in the yaml file itself. At the end of this file you will see the az deployment command which deploys the bicep code.

  1- stage: Deploy_Bicep
  2    displayName: "Deploy Bicep"
  3    jobs:
  4      - job: Deploy_Bicep
  5        displayName: "Deploy Bicep"
  6        pool:
  7          vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"
  8        steps:
  9          - task: Bash@3
 10            displayName: Azure CLI Login
 11            inputs:
 12              targetType: "inline"
 13              script: |
 14                # Install Azure CLI
 15                sudo apt-get update
 16                sudo apt-get install -y libicu-dev curl
 17                curl -sL | sudo bash
 19                # Login to Azure
 20                az login --service-principal --username $(AVDPipelines) --password $(Secret) --tenant $(tenantId)
 22                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
 23                  echo "Azure login failed. Please check the service principal credentials."
 24                  exit 1
 25                fi
 26                echo "Azure login successful."
 28                # Confirm subscription
 29                az account show
 31          - task: PowerShell@2
 32            displayName: "Generate and Deploy Bicep Parameters"
 33            inputs:
 34              targetType: "inline"
 35              script: |
 36                # Login to Azure
 37                az login --service-principal --username "$(AVDPipelines)" --password "$(Secret)" --tenant "$(tenantId)"
 39                # Validate location parameter
 40                $location = '${{ parameters.location }}'
 41                if (-not $location) {
 42                  Write-Error "Error: 'location' parameter not provided."
 43                  exit 1
 44                }
 46                # Set location short code
 47                switch ($location) {
 48                  "westeurope" { $locationShortCode = "weu" }
 49                  "northeurope" { $locationShortCode = "neu" }
 50                  default {
 51                    Write-Error "Unknown location: $location"
 52                    exit 1
 53                  }
 54                }
 56                # Define parameter file path
 57                $paramPath = "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/params.bicepparam"
 58                Write-Output "Resolved parameter file path: $paramPath"
 59                Write-Output "System.DefaultWorkingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)"
 60                Write-Output "Location: $location"
 61                Write-Output "Location Short Code: $locationShortCode"
 63                # Ensure directory exists
 64                $paramDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($paramPath)
 65                if (-not (Test-Path $paramDir)) {
 66                  New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $paramDir | Out-Null
 67                }
 69                # Extract parameters
 70                $subscriptionId = '${{ parameters.subscriptionId }}'
 71                $productType = '${{ parameters.productType }}'
 72                $environmentType = '${{ parameters.environmentType }}'
 73                $updatedBy = 'demopurposes'
 74                $vnetAddressPrefix = '${{ parameters.vnetAddressPrefix }}'
 75                $avdSubnetPrefix = '${{ parameters.avdSubnetPrefix }}'
 76                $skuVersion = '${{ parameters.imageVersion }}'
 77                $offerName = '${{ parameters.offerName }}'
 78                $publisherName = '${{ parameters.publisherName }}'
 80                # Derived values
 81                $storageAccountName = "st$productType$environmentType$locationShortCode"
 82                $azureSharedImageGalleryName = "gal$productType$environmentType$locationShortCode"
 83                $imagesSharedGalleryName = "img-$productType-$environmentType-$locationShortCode"
 84                $imageTemplateName = "it-$productType-$environmentType-$locationShortCode"
 85                $userAssignedManagedIdentityName = "mi-$productType-$environmentType-$locationShortCode"
 86                $vnetName = "vnet-$productType-$environmentType-$locationShortCode"
 87                $avdHostpoolName = "vdpool-$productType-$environmentType-$locationShortCode"
 88                $applicationGroupName = "vdag-$productType-$environmentType-$locationShortCode"
 89                $workspaceName = "vdws-$productType-$environmentType-$locationShortCode"
 90                $availabilitySetName = "avail-$productType-$environmentType-$locationShortCode"
 91                $subnetName = "snet-$productType"
 92                $networksecurityGroupName = "nsg-$productType"
 94                # Validate required parameters
 95                $requiredParams = @($subscriptionId, $productType, $environmentType, $location, $locationShortCode, $vnetAddressPrefix, $avdSubnetPrefix)
 96                foreach ($param in $requiredParams) {
 97                  if (-not $param) {
 98                    Write-Error "Missing required parameter: $($param)"
 99                    exit 1
100                  }
101                }
103                # Generate parameter file content
104                $params = @"
105                using './infra/avd.bicep'
107                param subscriptionId = '$subscriptionId'
108                param productType = '$productType'
109                param environmentType = '$environmentType'
110                param location = '$location'
111                param updatedBy = '$updatedBy'
112                param locationShortCode = '$locationShortCode'
113                param storageAccountName = '$storageAccountName'
114                param azureSharedImageGalleryName = '$azureSharedImageGalleryName'
115                param imagesSharedGalleryName = '$imagesSharedGalleryName'
116                param imageTemplateName = '$imageTemplateName'
117                param userAssignedManagedIdentityName = '$userAssignedManagedIdentityName'
118                param vnetName = '$vnetName'
119                param avdHostpoolName = '$avdHostpoolName'
120                param applicationGroupName = '$applicationGroupName'
121                param workspaceName = '$workspaceName'
122                param availabilitySetName = '$availabilitySetName'
123                param subnetName = '$subnetName'
124                param vnetAddressPrefix = '$vnetAddressPrefix'
125                param avdSubnetPrefix = '$avdSubnetPrefix'
126                param skuVersion = '$skuVersion'
127                param offerName = '$offerName'
128                param publisherName = '$publisherName'
129                param networksecurityGroupName = '$networksecurityGroupName'
130                "@
132                # Write to file
133                Write-Output "Writing parameter file to: $paramPath"
134                $params | Out-File -FilePath $paramPath -Encoding UTF8
136                # Verify file content
137                Write-Output "Generated parameter file content:"
138                Get-Content $paramPath
140                # Generate a UUID using PowerShell
141                $uuid = [guid]::NewGuid()
143                # Deploy Bicep template using the correct file path and UUID
144                az deployment sub create `
145                  --name "action-deploy-$uuid" `
146                  --location $location `
147                  --template-file "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/infra/avd.bicep" `
148                  --parameters $paramPath

  • The 3th step is to build the image.

First we are checking for the latest image template and we declared the variable. We continue with building the image, using the az image builder command and use the declared variable. It's good to mention we are also using the wait parameter in combination with the az image builder command, because you want to wait for this process to finish, as you are installing a Virtual Machine based on this image.

 1- stage: Create_Image
 2    jobs:
 3      - job: CreateImage
 4        displayName: "Create Image"
 5        pool:
 6          vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"
 7        steps:
 8          - task: Bash@3
 9            displayName: List and Run the Latest Image
10            inputs:
11              targetType: "inline"
12              script: |
13                # Set location shortcode
14                case "${{ parameters.location }}" in
15                  "westeurope") locationShortCode="weu" ;;
16                  "northeurope") locationShortCode="neu" ;;
17                  *) echo "Unknown location: ${{ parameters.location }}"; exit 1 ;;
18                esac
20                resourceGroupName="rg-${{ parameters.productType }}-${{ parameters.environmentType }}-${locationShortCode}"
22                # Login to Azure
23                az login --service-principal --username $(AVDPipelines) --password $(Secret) --tenant $(tenantId)
25                # List image builders in the resource group
26                imageList=$(az image builder list -g "$resourceGroupName" --query "[].{Name:name, CreationTime:timeCreated}" -o json)
28                if [[ -z "$imageList" || "$imageList" == "[]" ]]; then
29                  echo "Error: No image builders found in resource group '$resourceGroupName'"
30                  exit 1
31                fi
33                # Get the latest image
34                latestImageName=$(echo "$imageList" | jq -r 'sort_by(.CreationTime) | last | .Name')
36                if [[ -z "$latestImageName" ]]; then
37                  echo "Error: Could not find the latest image builder in resource group '$resourceGroupName'"
38                  exit 1
39                fi
41                # Run the image builder
42                az image builder run -n "$latestImageName" -g "$resourceGroupName" --no-wait
44                # Wait for completion
45                az image builder wait -n "$latestImageName" -g "$resourceGroupName" --custom "lastRunStatus.runState!='Running'"
47                echo "Image creation completed successfully."

  • And the final step deploy a Virtual Machine based on the latest image.

In this step we are building the Virtual Machine using the latest image that we have created in the previous steps. We are looking for the latest stored image in the Azure Compute Gallery. Because we have an input variable in the first step based on the vm count, it will deploy the amount of Virtual Machines based on this number. We also declare a username, you can store this in the Credentials group if you want, and call this using the $(userName). It will create a NIC and the Virtual Machine for the password i use --admin-password $(ADMIN_PASSWORD) so you need to set this in the Credentials as well.

  2- stage: DeployVMs
  3    displayName: "Deploy VMs using the latest image"
  4    jobs:
  5      - job: BuildVMs
  6        displayName: "Build Virtual Machines"
  7        pool:
  8          vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"
  9        steps:
 10          - task: AzureCLI@2
 11            displayName: "Create VMs"
 12            inputs:
 13              azureSubscription: "AVDPipelines"
 14              scriptType: bash
 15              scriptLocation: inlineScript
 16              inlineScript: |
 18                # Login to Azure
 19                az login --service-principal --username $(AVDPipelines) --password $(Secret) --tenant $(tenantId)
 21                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
 22                  echo "Azure login failed. Please check the service principal credentials."
 23                  exit 1
 24                fi
 25                echo "Azure login successful."
 27                # Confirm subscription
 28                az account show
 29                # Define parameters
 30                locationShortCode=""
 31                case "${{ parameters.location }}" in
 32                  "westeurope") locationShortCode="weu" ;;
 33                  "northeurope") locationShortCode="neu" ;;
 34                  *) echo "Unknown location: ${{ parameters.location }}"; exit 1 ;;
 35                esac
 37                resourceGroupName="rg-${{ parameters.productType }}-${{ parameters.environmentType }}-${locationShortCode}"
 40                # Get the latest image version from the shared image gallery
 41                sigImageVersion=$(az sig image-version list \
 42                  --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
 43                  --gallery-name "gal${{ parameters.productType }}${{ parameters.environmentType }}${locationShortCode}" \
 44                  --gallery-image-definition "img-${{ parameters.productType }}-${{ parameters.environmentType }}-${locationShortCode}" \
 45                  --query "[].{Version:name}" -o tsv | sort -V | tail -n 1)
 47                if [[ -z "$sigImageVersion" ]]; then
 48                  echo "Error: Could not find the latest image version."
 49                  exit 1
 50                fi
 52                vmCount=${{ parameters.vmCount }}
 53                username="adm_installuser"
 54                new_vm_names=""
 56                for i in $(seq 1 $vmCount); do
 57                  vmIndex=1
 58                  while true; do
 59                    vmname="ins-${{ parameters.environmentType }}-$(printf "%02d" $vmIndex)"
 60                    existingVM=$(az vm list --resource-group $resourceGroupName --query "[?name=='$vmname']" -o tsv)
 62                    if [[ -z "$existingVM" ]]; then
 63                      break
 64                    else
 65                      ((vmIndex++))
 66                    fi
 67                  done
 69                  nicName="nic-$vmname"
 71                  # Get the Subnet Resource ID
 72                  subnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show \
 73                      --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
 74                      --vnet-name "vnet-${{ parameters.productType }}-${{ parameters.environmentType }}-${locationShortCode}" \
 75                      --name "snet-${{ parameters.productType }}" \
 76                      --query id -o tsv)
 78                  echo $subnetId
 80                  az network nic create \
 81                  --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
 82                  --name $nicName \
 83                  --subnet $subnetId \
 84                  --accelerated-networking true \
 85                  --vnet-name "vnet-${{ parameters.productType }}-${{ parameters.environmentType }}-${locationShortCode}" \
 87                   # Create the VM
 88                  az vm create \
 89                    --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
 90                    --name $vmname \
 91                    --image "/subscriptions/${{ parameters.subscriptionId }}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/gal${{ parameters.productType }}${{ parameters.environmentType }}${locationShortCode}/images/img-${{ parameters.productType }}-${{ parameters.environmentType }}-${locationShortCode}/versions/$sigImageVersion" \
 92                    --admin-username $username \
 93                    --size ${{ parameters.avdSize }} \
 94                    --authentication-type password \
 95                    --admin-password $(ADMIN_PASSWORD) \
 96                    --nics $nicName \
 97                    --security-type TrustedLaunch \
 98                    --public-ip-address "" \
 99                    --license-type Windows_Server \
100                    --nsg-rule None \
102                  echo "VM '$vmname' created successfully."
103                  new_vm_names="$new_vm_names $vmname"
104                done
106                echo "VMs created: $new_vm_names"
107                echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=vmNames]$new_vm_names"
  • Save the files under your repository in your project and push the content.

If you have finished cloning/copying or modified this yaml file you can store/save/push this to your project.

Let's start the pipeline

We have done the deepdive trough our yaml file, but how can you trigger it? Good question, let me tell you.

  • In your DevOps environment and in your project go to the pipeline section
  • Click on "new pipeline"
  • Choose "Azure Repos Git"
  • Select your Repo
  • Click on the "existing Azure pipelines yaml file"
  • Select your yaml file
  • Click on the dropdown button next to run and choose for save
  • Run the pipeline
  • Fill in you desired values
  • Autorise the pipeline this is needed for every first start!!!!
  • Wait till the deployment is finished

You have deployed and run your first pipeline!

Wrapping up!

In this blog part 4, I have explained, how you can start a infrastructure deployement, start the image build process and deploy a Virtual Machine all in one go, by using a DevOps pipeline. I have explained how to get started and connect an Azure environment with a DevOps project, when using a Service Principal and explain the difference between an Workload Identity, Service Principals or Managed Identity. You can use those resources to give the Pipeline the necessary rights, to deploy and run specific commands in your environment automated.